winTZX 0.9d 12/2017 by Patrick Delvenne

winTZX logo 400x400 Before I get into this winTZX post I would just like to wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. While reading through the World of Spectrum Facebook group I came across a post asking about the latest version of winTZX by Patrick Delvenne. The software used to be hosted on the official website…

COVID 19 and my top 5 isolation games

An old style two button joystick with a red, spherical handle and two red buttons on a black base.

COVID 19: Slowest. Apocolypse. Ever.

I hope this finds you safe and well during these unusual circumstances. COVID 19 isolation has given me some much treasured time with the family (minus my eldest who is isolating with my Mum). We played board games. We played Wii games. Family time is great but being together 24/7…