Video Archives | An archive of posts discussing video and TV but not necessarily the primary topic of the posts.
Star Trek: Picard- Some thoughts on season 3

I should be sleeping but instead I'm thinking of Star Trek: Picard.
I'm tired. Sleep is needed but right now my (almost) three year old Grandson is fast asleep, sprawled out across my side of the bed and I'm not about to disturb him. Instead I'm watching foxes playing via my CCTV monitors, perusing Twitter…iPhone Ringtones, Retro Gaming and TV
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me

Happy birthday Dear Munky. I'm now 43.
I don't really celebrate my birthday. Not because I'm shy, or anything like that, I just don't really do the celebration thing now I'm older. I'm not in for surrounding myself with a bunch of people, cheering me on, while I get another year closer to death. I'll…Toys of Christmas Past