Grandstand Invader from Space LED Game

Invader from Space: Image shows the bottom right section of the unit containing the power switch, a level selection button and the start button. Toward the centre is the fire button and directly underneath a left/right toggle switch for movement of the player's ship.

I spotted this Grandstand "Invader from Space" game

Grandstand "Invader from Space" is a tabletop LED game dating back 40 years to 1980. Four 'AA' batteries power the unit or, alternatively, the Grandstand 5. 5V@300mA power adapter (or an equivalent power pack) sold separately. The game, licensed to Grandstand, is a copy of Epoch's "Invader…

Musical quirks and some more T-Shirts

Super Mario Tee: A t-shirt depicting a black and white picture of Mario holding his hands in the air. Above is the text 'Legend' in white caps.

In musical terms, it's been a strange few months

There's usually a variety of musical offerings on my iPhone. Legendary artists such as Pink Floyd, Queen and Bob Marley are usually constants. Lately, the usual playlists haven't been doing it for me and instead I've been craving something different. I've been wanting to listen to…